This one was just TOO GOOD to pass by.
Anthony Worrall Thompson a 'Celebrity' Chef has said that he apologizes for directing amateur chefs to place a deadly wild herb into salads. UH HUH!
Apologies are nice and if they are sincere and heartfelt, so much the better, however, what about NOT doing something so stupid that you have to apologize.
Celebrity Chef
This means that you know your stuff, or it's supposed to! You know the ingredients, amounts, flavor mixing etc etc etc for a certain recipe, horse dovers, entrees and desserts...Right?
Given all of that how is it possible that a 'Celebrity Chef' can make such a damn stupid mistake by advising his minions of food to include a deadly, lethal herb in their salads?
I can just see it now friends and gentle readers, sweet, petite, vivacious and perky soccer Mom is at home assembling a salad to die for...literally and on the advice of the 'esteemed Chef Thompson' she includes the killer weed henbane in her salad for hubbie and little rugrats. Then comes meal time, and soccer Mom proudly sets the well assembled veggie mix on the table and recieves her kudos humbly, but happily. OH MY!
Everyone digs in, lettuce, carrot, cukes, tomatoes henbane, olives flying in all directions as the perfect suburban family piles into their low carb, zero fat meal, fifteen minutes later, little Suzy begins to feel queasy, and them Mom and little Bobby and finally studly Dad all begin to get nauseous, then comes the hallucinations. evil dancing rabbits, evil dancing bugs and sweet little chipmunks swirl around in the fog and euphoria of collective hallucinations, time begins to slow and then heartbeats begin to slow, finally, every member of this 'perfect' suburban, subdivision living, yuppy, self absorbed family is prostrate on the floor, vomiting out their guts and their life, ruining that expensive berber rug from China. Mercifully, darkness overtakes them and their spirits escape out into the ether.
The now decomposing bodies of this oh so perfect subdivision living family is found by grandma and grandpa from out of town. Grandma dies on the spot from shock and gramps is staggered and stumbles around, barely making it out the door before he blows his breakfast. Recovering to the point of lucidity, he calls 911 and...
The cops and the ME are left to figure out whether this was a murder suicide or a royal screw up because the oh so perfect, perky, vivacious soccer Mom followed good ol' 'Celebrity Chef's' recipe.
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