I am as sympathetic as anyone can be if someone has or has had, or is experiencing mental disturbances, emotional problems etc etc etc. But...this guy? Hmmmmm.
Back a few years hence, there was a derth of beheading videos on the Net, and they were all performed by radical Muslim factions that didn't have a clue about humanity, or if they did it was so skewed that it probably didn't matter anyway.
But this guy.....For NO apparent reason he stabs and kills his victim that was just a seat mate on a commuter bus...The only reasons I CAN THINK of for this to happen is to thnk that:
A. The victim cast serious aspersions on the Chinese man's family, ancestry and heritage
B. The victim was a racist and kept running his mouth until Chinese dude went off on him
C. The Chinese dude was just a whacko.
What he did was a serious crime against humanity, to find out WHY he did what he did WOULD be nice, but why bother? Stabbing is one thing, killing is another, but beheading and cannabalizing the remains? OH PUHLEEEEZZZZEEEEE!
I keep thinking that it's safer to stay home or just let the driving to me, in my own Jeep and I ain't picking up no cannabalistic stabbers. This is way to weird EVEN for me to comprehend. However, it seems as if Mr. Li had ANOTHER PROBLEM.
His wife, Mrs. Li is NOW WORRIED about how this is going to AFFECT HER!
Talk about cold blooded, I can see that problem real friggin' clear. She hounded the poor bastard until he just snapped. Hey, it can happen, Just look at Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, one or both of them pissed each other off so bad they went at it with squirrel pistols at twenty paces.
OH YEAH, I can just see it now!
She'll probably go to the jail for a visit and give him all kinds of holy hell for PUTTING HER IN A BAD POSITION, with not ONE CARE abut HIM...NOW, don't get me wrong, I DO HAVE all knds of sympathy for the vic and his family, but ya know, after reading what I did about the female half of Li family, I have some stirrings of sympathy for the cannibal beheader...
I don't know, maybe Li just went right off the edge and thought he was whacking the Mrs. WHO KNOWS!
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