Saturday, August 16, 2008

As I sit here...

As I sit here this am I have been contemplating my journalstic odyessy, where I've been, where I'm going, blah,blah,blah!

One thing I HAVE found is that there is NO end to things I can make light of, ridicule and point out the obvious absudity of.

I had someone write me an EMail yesterday condeming me for making light of the Botox injections which I had written in an earlier blog(several weeks hence) His ire was directed to the fact that I made light of such a 'serious procedure', which I know for a fact is NOT, but this dude! WOW! is all I can say...

Had we been speaking face to face, I have no doubts in my mind at all that he would have been red faced, strident and just this side of having a stroke...or worse!

Then came the threats! That did it! In the beginning of my blog creation, I made it damned plain and simple that this blog was for nothing more than fun...This clown took me seriously!

I do not and will not take threats to me, my family, my computer and my journalistic reputation lightly, as a matter of fact it IS quite dangerous to the threatener to engage in such actions, not to mention foolish and childish.

But the one thing that made me laugh my ass off was he also threatened to NOT read my blogs EVER AGAIN!

Cool! Like I'm going to go crush my testicles in a vise and slash my wrists, which he advised me to do because he's NOT going to read my blogs? UH HUH! SUUURRREEEE I AM!, YEAH<>

It's NOT a good idea to deliberately piss me off and the operative word there is deliberately, which I have no doubts he set out to do, but it took me a half hour to track down his ISP and now I'm left with the option of sending him a virus or siccing the cops on him...or...just ignoring him!
Which I am inclined to do, but we'll see...

My personal leanings are to teach this whack job a lesson he will NOT soon forget, because it's REALLY,REALLY,REALLY evident that Mom and Dad did not spank that ass enough, and I hate spoiled, potty mouth, self centric, maniacally moronic people.

Just for the RECORD, I can and WILL take constructive criticism, it IS ALWAYS a delight to read other's well thought out words and ideas, but to come at me like this jerk did WILL bring out the worst in me in thought, word and POSSIBLY deed.

I suppose I could get profane and vulgar and vile about this jerk, but THAT accomplishes NOTHING, so it won't anyway...ROFLMAO!

So, my advice to all readers is if you DON'T like what I write...TOUGH!...Go read Dear Abby, Garfield or some such inane drivel that passes for journalism and/or entertainment. But if you're inthe mood for sarcasm, silliness and finger pointing and ridicule, c'mon back and have fun HERE!

Hey! Waitress, where's my Latte? and don't forget the carrot swizzle stick! Jeez! It's really hard to find good help these days!

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