Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sharks, Humans and Seals...HUH?

I was just privy to some information that made me want to bray like a jackass in heat!

This information was: Sharks DON'T like to eat humans, they would much rather dine on seals!


So, HOW did the fuzzyheads at who knows where come up with this information?

Did they in fact convene a testing panel of a Thresher Shark a Great White, A Tiger Shark and a Hammerhead shark and blindfold each one?

Did they then give each shark and piece of seal meat, allow them to munch on that, take it away and give them pieces of an accidentally severed limb from a human, and allow the sharks in question to munch on them, and then after the impromptu meal, remove their blindfolds and give them a questionairre to fill out and return to the fuzzy head testers?

OH, I can just see it now, there they are, in their little shark chairs with blindfolds securely in place, and a white coated technician by the name of Nervous Ricky sets a plate of seal meat in front of each shark, and when told to they begin devouring the seal meat with joyful abandon.

Then, Nervous Ricky returns with another plate and on that plate is a piece of accidentally severed limb from a human, and when told to the sharks begin devouring the sample.

Now Then, You have to ask yourself these questions:
A. WHY is Ricky nervous?
B. WAS there a noticeable hesitance when the sharks began devouring the severed limb samples
C. WHO blindfolded the sharks?...Nervous Ricky perhaps, this WOULD explain his obvious agitation
D. WHO killed the seal and why aren't they incarcerated? it IS illegal
E. WHO was the poor unfortunate that lost the severed limb?
F. HOW did the poor unfortunate lose his/her limb?
G. WHY is this test being conducted at all?

Think about it and get back to me, OK?

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