A. Moon Rabbit smarter than Paris Hilton!
B. Moon Rabbit smarter than wrinkly old man McCain
C. Moon Rabbit much,much,nicer than smily man Obama
D. Moon Rabbit always tell truth
E. Moon Rabbit NEVER make secret deals
F. Moon Rabbit not want to be rich, Moon Rabbit only want to help American people
G. Moon Rabbit can be patriot enough for all American People, Moon Rabbit get rid of Patriot
H. Moon Rabbit NOT like Gestapo Homeland Security dummies, Moon Rabbit put them on
I. Moon Rabbit bring troops home from giant sandbox return them to their families
J. Moon Rabbit show Middle eastern fools error of ways by bombng them with Moon Rabbit
Rules to live by leaflets
K. IF that not work, Moon Rabbit order their destruction from space by Moon Rabbit Death
L. Moon Rabbit make America greatest nation on earth again by showing others it IS possible
to live in peace with others by having biggest and betterest weapons on earth
M. Moon Rabbit subsidize all carrot and lettuce farmers, making them rich.
Moon Rabbit want to be President! Moon Rabbit make good President! Elect Moon Rabbit in election, or suffer consequences by being led by nose by a wrinkly old man or a smily face man!
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