Monday, July 28, 2008

Will the Madness NEVER End?

MOON RABBIT CRUSADER IS MAD! Be afwaid! Be vewy...vewy... afwaid!

On Yahoo this am there was a video of one of my hopping brethern being horribly exploited!

Yes, friends, a small, warm, cuddly rabbit, just a baby actually was being FORCED TO FETCH THE MAIL!


I nearly choked on my coffee laced carrot juice when I saw that brutal and exploitative photo!

First there was the Easter Bunny, then came Bugs Bunny, constantly being chased, harassed and shot at by that murderous Elmer Fudd! Why hasn't Elmer Fudd been arrested and prosecuted for those horrendous crimes of stalking and attempted murder?

I'll tell you why? Because the human is chasing and attempting to murder a lowly, unassuming, shy and retiring rabbit that's WHY!

That is on par for the stupid accusations made by the Government that Merkitroyd Muskrat caused the levee collapse in Missouri a month ago.

Friends, don't you see it is all a conspiracy? Yes, a dastardly, vicious and behind closed doors conspiracy to wipe out all of the quiet, and voiceless and shy rodent population of the world, much like it was an attempt to wipe out the Native Americans by the Federal Government!

If they can't kill us, then they want to enslave us, just like the African Americans were enslaved!

BUT! We DID have a champion...Crusader Rabbit! Yes, friends, he came along at a time when this country needed him, This country was awash in paranoids, believing that communists lurked behind every tree and closed door. But what happened to him? He was eventually effectively silenced by the governemt controlled media of Hollywood!

Working behind the scenes was Mighty Mouse, but eventually, he too fell victim to the so called 'critics' and was silenced as well...

IT is a sad day in America when our heroic and courageous rabbit and mice are stepping forward to save us from the likes of Snively Whiplash and DJ the Dirty Guy and countless other villains and then...then they are left on the cutting room floor!

So, now, it is boldly seen that an attempt to enslave the rabbit population is in full swing. I for one refuse to stand for it!

For months now, I have been working covertly with carrot producers to produce a 'smartcarrot'!

One that is electronically guided and can find a earhole at the distance of two feet, this is a devastating weapon. I will unleash this weapon only on those that continue to enslave my hopping brethern!

So, I am issuing this wartning! ALL of you who continue in your dastardly, callous, cold blooded ensalvement of my rabbit cousins, BEWARE! You never know when a carrot may come zooming out of the blue to plug an ear OR evcn a nostril! You WILL pay for your crimes.

Change your ways and you will be able to sleep well at night, knowing that I will NOT seek retribution from you...

However, IF you should ignore this warning, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT be surprised if you should be walking along someday and a carrot comes flying at you at the high velocity of three feet a second and plugs an ear, or even both ears or a nostril or both, How ya gonna explain that to the authorities and/or your doctor...huh?

HOW you gonna explain it?

Moon Rabbit is mad! BE AFWAID...BE VEWY...VEWY AFWAID!

1 comment:

Tea Thymer said...

Too hilarious. I was a fan of Crusader Rabbit. And have a stuffed Mighty Mouse. Your blog is hilarious. I'd love to add a link to mine, OK?